Sunday 20 July 2014

Week 3

Its sunday!! Just a quick update of the week. Basically, i had school and all the usual on the weekdays, and saturday, had to drag my tired body out of bed to go for school (IN THE MORNING WTF) and then had my weekly dose of tuitions later in the afternoon. Since tuition was at i12, i was walking around the mall and came across the Apple store. So my dad went in and asked me which laptop i wanted, because i have been recently hinting (very obviously) that i wanted a lappy for christmas. I know i already have my own personal iMac desktop, but i think having a lappy is cool let. Like i can laze around on my bed and watch videos, i can bring it out to Starbucks whenever i'm bored to watch movies and drink coffee etc. Its quite handy right? I wanted the MacBook Air, but then that lappy no slot at the side to insert DVDs leh, so means i can only download movies and dramas perhaps? But i don't like let, so i decided on the usual MacBook Pro. But then again, i doubt that anyone would get me that for christmas anyway HAHAHA.

Oh right, getting back on my updates, saturday evening was spent at granny's house, and we had Macdonalds for dinner. Ok i swear, i need to stop fast food. NEED. I saw Jesicca Tham's Dayre (@tippytapp) about how she was going on a juice cleanse routine, and i thought it was pretty good. Basically every meal you just drink juice. You can cleanse your intestines, lose weight, and poop. Why not? I shall try that out!

Then today, was just really really boring! It has never been so sian before. I think i was texting Iz after tuition and both of us just went into that mood where we didn't wanna talk to each other and just sit there and do nothing. But then she was like "I can't take it! Lets find an interesting topic to talk about!!!" So we started to be hyped up, and soon enough the whole convo turned retarded and well, it was back to the normal us which i so loved. I really hope we can remain buddies for a really really long time!

Okay that's about how my week was, till more exciting things!

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