Friday 4 July 2014

Its Friday

Surivived the week of shitty things. Spent a good two hours catching up with S and we realised there was so many things that we never knew about one another, be it individually or about other people. It felt so good to have a good friend next to me to share all these things, and for once i was very blessed. I must say that although our character isnt really the same, we have alot of things in common. Thank God for having her in my life and my soon-to-be neighbour in the future 😉

Then coming to another part. I was reading my friends' old posts on twitter, and then i realised how much things were tweeted indirectly about me, and i never really saw the tweets till today. Yes, they were not good things. Then i reflected abit, and realised that i really wasnt a very good friend. Some of the things i say or do impact the people around me and i am just not concious enough to find out. So, i found out today. Not too late is it? Anyway, i am thankful for all those who put up with my shit all these while, and i hope i can be a better person.

Sometimes i read a tweet on twitter, and i cant help but think "shit is this referring to me?" I cant help it man. Recently i saw a tweet which was talking about how bo chap i am, how i seem to dont give a fuck about the person, and also how i seem to ignore the person. I really dont get it! I obviously do those things because the person is doing the same to me. Thats the number one thing about me, how i talk to you depends on how you talk to me. I cant help it, and frankly i think that not alot of people feel the same as me. I told S and she was like shocked that i feel this way 😂 What to do? I am like that. A leopard cannot change it's spots. So while i saw the tweet, i was rather positively it was referring to me. Help. I feel so horrible. Although it was an old tweet, i still feel extremely bad because i never wanted to hurt anyone. And i am hurt that people think of me that way. Goshhh. This is bad. 😂

Ok well, thats the update for today!

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