Friday 11 July 2014

Lazy lazy friday

Its friday! Finally end of the week whew. 

Super lucky day today. Never do geog, ms soo didnt really scold. Never do amath, mr lim never check. Didnt wanna go for hcl class, mdm lim cancelled class. OMG LA 😍

Left school early with S and we went for Ramly at the geylang serai bazarre! Wanted to find the one with super nice cheese, but we couldnt find them anymore (sigh) bought Koi and brought it into gongcha and we just made ourselves comfortable and ate there. 

Seriously good and yearly cravings satisfied! 

Also, i changed back to iphone yesterday because erm, i was boliao. Looking forward to tmr because we're watching Sound Of Music musical at marina bay sands!!! 

That's all for today! 

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