Thursday 26 June 2014

I dont know what title to put

Kinda happy about my new blog skin and archive mhmmmm. 😀
Had a great day out today at ECP with the netballers, but ends up only sec fours were bonding and not the whole team :( i honestly do feel bad about the whole situation, cos we all do our own things, and the rest of our juniors were barbequeing for us, and seriously some of the sec fours dont even want to do some fun stuffs with the juniors, saying how we go there for fun and this whole outing is only for the sec ones to threes to bond -.- i think we pissed off some of the juniors because maybe they feel that this outing is for us? Idk. And now i think szb is not really happy, but obviously she doesnt admit it.
Recently, i even quarrelled with her. Its like inevitable, and we have too many problems that both of us refuse to overcome and bring up. Sadly. But then if we do, i dont know what will become of us. I really dont want to lose such a great friend, although we are really awkward around each other when others are around, but really, when its just the two of us, i super love it, cos we talked so much and ahhh, it was just really 二人世界 ☺ hahahahaha how i missed it :(
I hate how we quarrel about the smallest things though. Its like, ugh, we think differently and even our 处置方式不同. But i think if one day she stumbles upon my blog, i hope my szb knows that i really care about her and that i love her too ;-) i am not a lesbian though, really straight here.

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