Friday 19 December 2014


Currently really bored, so i decided to do a tag! I loveeeee answering questions idk why, soooo here goes. 

1) What are u wearing? 
Im wearing a superman tshirt from chiangrai, a three-button navy pullover from itaewon, high waisted jeans from h&m myeongdong, heeled boots from namdaemun, and a white and navy snapback that says "king" from dongdaemun. (So many things wth) 

2) Ever been in love? 
I am right now. 

3) Ever had a terrible breakup? 
It was bad but not too terrible. 

4) How tall are u? 
I wish im 170cm but im rlly just 164cm. 

5) How much do u weigh? 
Im a two hundred pound beauty. 

6) Any tattoos? 
Nope but i rlly want one. 

7) Any piercings? 
Three on each ear, total six. 

8) Otp. 
My bae and i ;) 
Maybe jamie campbell and lily collins. 

9) Favourite show? 
Victorious and hannah montana. 

10) Favourite bands? 

11) Something you miss? 
My weight two years ago. 

12) Favourite song? 
I bet my life by imagine dragons currently. 

13) How old are u? 

14) Zodiac sign? 

15) Quality u look for in a partner? 

16) Favourite quote? 
Bible quote john 3:16. 

17) Favourite actor? 
Johnny Depp. 

18) Favourite actress? 
Lily Collins. 

19) Favourite color? 
Black, navy, maroon and army green. (I cant choose) 

20) What do u do what ure sad? 
Talk to bae. 

21) How long do u shower? 
15 min. 

22) Turn on? 
Nice smelling people/places. 

23) Turn off? 
People/places that smell bad, places without wifi. 


2014 Chiangmai Trip!

Shall update blog about my trip to thailand! 

Day 1: 

Selfie with mommy 

Got the window seat!! 

Arrived at chiangmai international airport 

Day 2:

Went to visit the elephant sanctuary migjiggies thing. Rode on an elephant too! Kinda scary but it was pretty cool though. Then we went for an elephant show to watch them paint. The picture above was actually what the elephants painted from scratch and on the spot! So amazing, these giant creatures. 

I wasnt actually very happy about the whole thing because if u imagine, its pretty sad that the elephants are chained and kept and trained in that small area for the entertainment of tourists. God created living creatures so that we can appreciate them and live among different species, so to me all wild animals should actually be roaming about freely and not catched and be forced to train to entertain humans. Domestic animals like dogs cats hamsters etc are alright to be kept as pets i guess, so long as they're well fed and kept healthy. 

Ok end of rant lets move on. 

After that we went for a monkey show! So adorable all the monkeys and they behave so human like please, its like whoa. Shook hands with one of the monkeys and he rested his head on my lap 😭 so darn cute! Their tiny hands felt like a toddler's hand omg. SO CUTE. 

Day 3: 

Cant remember which day this was but whatever imma put it as day 3. Went night shopping at their pasar malams! This was in chiangrai alr. So cheap the stuffs! Managed to get caged bralets for $4 each and high socks for $2 each. WHAT THE FUCK. Damn cheap! Singapore please. 

Rode a tuktuk (like a taxi) back to the hotel! So windy and weather was on point that night. 

Day 4:

Ootd! Didnt do much, basically just shopping and buying local goodies. 

Day 5:

Nothing much on this last day. Sooo picture in plane! 

Sunday 14 December 2014

All your kisses and all your smiles, all your laughter and all your love. 
They kept me together when i was down.

Friday 5 December 2014

Update -

Been going through so much shit lately. 

- Fought with bff
- On the verge of losing her
- But yet i love her too much to let go la. 
- So, tried so hard to win her back 

After everything settled down and i thought it was all going to be okay, shit happens again. We fight again. As they always say, "the longer you spend together, the deeper you love and harder you fall". Wtf so damn true. Every little bit of things that happen both of us just gets crazy jealous. Just yesterday (4th dec), we were quarrelling about where to go out for her bday, because of that it made us both upset. So at 12am, i wanted to be the first to wish her, but damn it. Someone beat me to it. Can u imagine what it feels like? It was so xiasuay but yet it hurts me. Like i was jealous la basically. Somemore it was another close friend who wished her first, and i was second. Cmon man, it just makes me feel that im so least important. But okay nvm i dont hate them both la. Fine, so i shall stick with being the second one. What made me annoyed was, other people who wished her got like heart emojis in reply and what did i get? I got a "thanx bby". Wow. That made me feel uber important. I dont blame her though, since i made her so called jealous when i hang out/appear to be very close with my other friends. Thats fine. But i dont get it sometimes. I never ignore her, never leave her even when im angry, but yet she does that to me all the time. I dont suppose she realises it, but it hurts me so fucking badly (I really didnt wanna use vulgarities though) I guess she takes it out on me too? Because apparently she became good friends with our nball coach, and wow theyre even on first name basis. This really made me go crazy. This is bad enough man. Then seeing her play with coach, reading their convos. I cant even. When she's sad she can still talk to others, but she just refuses to talk to me. Ouch. Fine.

Other than me being jealous, she got it too i admit. I guess the frustration built when i had grad night. Took so many pictures and i had to go round hugging everyone and shit to take pics, but the bf got jealous i guess, so i had to pacify her the whole night. Im not complaining though, because idw to lose her. After this saga, the next serious fight was when i went out to illumi run with another friend. Wow, this was bad. Bf was so mad she literally wanted to leave the WA group we were chatting in. Like fml la. Another huge drama. I can understand but sometimes im frustrated too. 

Why cant we get along πŸ˜” 
I really dont know. 

Okay i guess im just ranting. But why isit starting to crumble when we have just started building it up? 

Saturday 29 November 2014

What am i to you?

Been through rough times lately 
Really i dont know what i did to create this much trouble 
After everything i tried to do 
But yet it never seems to please u 

Sigh :( 

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Times like this i want to break down and roll into a ball and cry
Please remember that i am human too 
And if anything, dont just rage as and when u like 
Because not that i dont want to listen to ur rage, but it makes me feel that my opinions dont matter 
And that u blow things up for no apparent reason (or rather, reasons that u dont want me to know thanks alot) 
Hope you know that i am here for u as much as i can, and obviously enough, i am actually here for u most compared to my other friends 
Please appreciate 

Okay done ranting πŸ˜‚ 
What a disaster my life is 

Wednesday 29 October 2014


I love it when people call me by my nicknames.
Like "theng" "kitkat" "kit chua" "chua" 
I just find it so nice.
Then there are a few special people who call me things other then name related ones, like "bae" "baby" "babe" "boo" 
I really like it.
I sound so erotic right now but no dirty thoughts, i just like the feeling of it.

Monday 27 October 2014


With the upcoming exams this week, i really dk how not to feel stress
normally my stress level is extremely low, but dk why this week just makes me ΓΌber stressed out
And its taking a toll on my relationships with others as well, this is so sad can
i really don't want anything to break apart because of my poor stress management
But it really seems that things are slowly falling apart
And without me realising
fuck my life so much

Sunday 26 October 2014

Crazy Friendships

The amount of craziness i face in my friendships is sufficient enough to publish a book. And yes i am talking about both good and bad types of crazy.

There can be times when we'd just talk monotonously, without emojis, like we're just tired but wanna keep up with the convo. There are times we'd just use a bunch of crazy emojis and type in caps because we're happy and the day went well. Then there are times where you'd suddenly question my love for u or suddenly offline and never return till the next day.

I never really question myself once about how much effort i put into the relationships with my true friends because they are so precious to me 

But idk why some people just dont understand how much they mean to me and end up saying a bunch of stuffs to hurt my feelings or try to pick a fight 

Some may say that true friends point out each other's flaws but will never get mad with one another (its for the other person's good u see) But then, there are some who just not want to hurt the other people's feelings and try not to pick on anything about the other person's flaws

I dont know leh maybe i am too sensitive? But honestly, this is how i feel about the whole situation 

Life is crazy, they say 

Well i have no doubts about that

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Graduation 2014

Graduated le! On the 3rd of October. 
Kind of happy, kind of sad, bittersweet feelings :( 

Anyway, i shall just spam the photos 

Sandwich meridian forever 

206 2012 forever 

406 2014 forever 

Im so sick of uploading these πŸ˜‚ so shall stop here.
Anyways, went out with izzy after the graduation and watched Maze Runner.
Well...thats the end of the day πŸ˜‚ basically just like that. 

Tuesday 9 September 2014

An epilogue of us

"We walked on the path, along the horizon. She grabbed my hands, and i held on tight to her. From the corner of my eye, i saw that she stole a glance at me. I smiled to myself, wondering what it was about her that drew us so close. She pulled me down to sit beside her, and as usual i tripped, and we both fell onto the grass laughing. 

We lay on our backs, and stared at the sky. The sun was fading to a golden reddish hue, and dusk was soon to come. As if on cue, we both turned and stared at each other, smiling.

I was awestruck. I never thought i would meet someone who would walk into my life and change everything. 

It was meant to be, me and her to find each other. We are soulmates, we are infinite. 

That evening, we lazed around and looked up at the stars. We traced out the constellations and each star twinkled high above us. This was a dream come true, to admire the galaxy with my bestest friend. 

I started to think, what happens ten years later? Would we have our forever? Just as i teared thinking about the worst of losing her, a noise behind us made me turn to look. 

An old man was strolling along the path, and he was wheeling an old lady in a wheelchair. They exchanged words ever so silently, but between them, there was no one else around. They were entrapped in their own bubble, as they gazed at each other lovingly. This gave me hope, that there could be a forever. 

This put a smile on my face and i dried my tears. I looked at her again, and pictured our future together. We may not be each other's partner or lover, but we were best friends, and we were going to walk down our forever and always together. " 

Dedication to my bff, Iz. 

Monday 8 September 2014

All staff day celebrations!

Blogging about the all staff day celebrations! Lots of photographs taken, shall let the pictures do the talking. 

Lining up to collect for CCA awards 

Class party with 406 


7 dwarfs 

Class 406 

My dearest 206 

Quadruplets plus fatinny 


So much love for these people! Lucky to have you guys by my side :-) 

Next, will upload pictures from netball training last friday! 

Favourite polaroid with my coach Adda, farewell to her :( 

Awkward and short me 

Actually realised that i have blogged about last friday's training alr wts. Whateverrr. 

Okay, thats all for this update, till next time!