Sunday 26 October 2014

Crazy Friendships

The amount of craziness i face in my friendships is sufficient enough to publish a book. And yes i am talking about both good and bad types of crazy.

There can be times when we'd just talk monotonously, without emojis, like we're just tired but wanna keep up with the convo. There are times we'd just use a bunch of crazy emojis and type in caps because we're happy and the day went well. Then there are times where you'd suddenly question my love for u or suddenly offline and never return till the next day.

I never really question myself once about how much effort i put into the relationships with my true friends because they are so precious to me 

But idk why some people just dont understand how much they mean to me and end up saying a bunch of stuffs to hurt my feelings or try to pick a fight 

Some may say that true friends point out each other's flaws but will never get mad with one another (its for the other person's good u see) But then, there are some who just not want to hurt the other people's feelings and try not to pick on anything about the other person's flaws

I dont know leh maybe i am too sensitive? But honestly, this is how i feel about the whole situation 

Life is crazy, they say 

Well i have no doubts about that

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