Friday 19 December 2014

2014 Chiangmai Trip!

Shall update blog about my trip to thailand! 

Day 1: 

Selfie with mommy 

Got the window seat!! 

Arrived at chiangmai international airport 

Day 2:

Went to visit the elephant sanctuary migjiggies thing. Rode on an elephant too! Kinda scary but it was pretty cool though. Then we went for an elephant show to watch them paint. The picture above was actually what the elephants painted from scratch and on the spot! So amazing, these giant creatures. 

I wasnt actually very happy about the whole thing because if u imagine, its pretty sad that the elephants are chained and kept and trained in that small area for the entertainment of tourists. God created living creatures so that we can appreciate them and live among different species, so to me all wild animals should actually be roaming about freely and not catched and be forced to train to entertain humans. Domestic animals like dogs cats hamsters etc are alright to be kept as pets i guess, so long as they're well fed and kept healthy. 

Ok end of rant lets move on. 

After that we went for a monkey show! So adorable all the monkeys and they behave so human like please, its like whoa. Shook hands with one of the monkeys and he rested his head on my lap 😭 so darn cute! Their tiny hands felt like a toddler's hand omg. SO CUTE. 

Day 3: 

Cant remember which day this was but whatever imma put it as day 3. Went night shopping at their pasar malams! This was in chiangrai alr. So cheap the stuffs! Managed to get caged bralets for $4 each and high socks for $2 each. WHAT THE FUCK. Damn cheap! Singapore please. 

Rode a tuktuk (like a taxi) back to the hotel! So windy and weather was on point that night. 

Day 4:

Ootd! Didnt do much, basically just shopping and buying local goodies. 

Day 5:

Nothing much on this last day. Sooo picture in plane! 

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