Thursday 27 June 2013

Haul of the day

Actually, i didnt go shopping. I just
randomly requested for a new bagpack and some socks. 
Le new bag.
Le purdy socks from Citrusox. 
Le sushi and milk tea lunch from cold storage and share tea. 
Am i still pretty after cutting off too much of my fringe? :') 
HAHAHA it was like an accident and i was like "SHIT FUCK WHAT DID I DO?!!!!" Ohwells. Hahaha it will grow back de uh. 
I have taken a liking to middle fingers and the f-word. Its like, not vulgar to me anymore. Ohmy. 

Monday 24 June 2013

Holidays are ending T^T

Ugh so not fair, the holidays are ending T_T NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!! 
Even if i look at this i cant get any happier. AND ITS BECOS I HAVENT FINISHED ANY SCHOOL HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SHIT. Fuckkkk i rotted my entire holiday away FUCK. Omg total rage mode man. Hmm maybe i'll blog about cute-sy pictures hehehehe. 
I absolutely love love love minions!! :-*
I love kitties! 
HAHAHA ugh its like so stress lorh i see all the homework SIGHPIE X 1029192801927291091818. SO ANNOYING LUH. I REALLY DONT LIKE TO STUDY. I SILENTLY WISH I CAN EASILY GET A JOB WITHOUT ANY CERTIFICATES OR WHATSOEVER. OMGOMGOMG. Total rage mood on. I'm angry at myself for playing my entire holiday away, and i'm also damn pissed of with all the fucking homework the teachers threw at us. ALSJALAHSLAKSKSKDKLALASH. SIGHHHHHHHHHHH. Dayum school. 
But, i must be stronger. Okay hahahahaha. 

Saturday 22 June 2013

High-Class Dining Night :-)

HAHA today tuition was cancelled, so im free the entire afternoon! Went for dinner at Chatterbox in Madarin Meritus Hotel (idk how to spell it) and i had chicken rice for 27 bucks a plate mhmmmm. 
And gelato! 
Finally met with my cousin too :*
Hahaha wearing ma new skater dresssss. 
#step again, and with my mum's failed photography skills. (Fat thighs and calves) 
Wanted to say this to all my friends and family members and this one special person <3 HEY, THANKS FOR EXISTING :-) 
I swear today's the day where all my thoughts run wild and i have loads of crazy random thoughts HAHAHA. Really tired today although i didnt do much :/ meeehhhh. 

Friday 21 June 2013

Slacking everydayyy

HAHAHA besides tuition, im just slacking everyday :/ after tuition today, i went to kallang airport for lunch and then off to Waterbank again. Incase u havent read about my previous blog post, Waterbank is a new condo my parents recently bought and its very newly built. Yeap its located opposite Old Airport food centre mhmmm. 
This guava and plum juice is really yummy and worth to try! Old airport also have the famous Lao Ban beancurd as well as its rival 51 Soya Bean stall, both equally good. Also, there's the famous Tiong Bahru lor mee :p OMG what am i doing im like some food guru or something. 
My lunch :D 
#STEP ootd with my new birkenstock's and baggu bag. 
Ofcourse not forgetting the mask. 
HAHAHA so glad the PSI went down already! Its so much better now, not having to breathe in the burnt air. Ofcourse most students would hope for the PSI to rise again when school reopens, and that includes me :-) 
Mangosteens for dinner and cashew nuts! Pumped myself with two cups of water and i think nuts have alot of dietary fibre in 'em, if u know what i mean. HAHAHA alright gonna watch Grease later ;) 
Finally dug up this dvd and whoohoo, Grease. Really one of the best shows ever. Gotta watch it :-) 

Thursday 20 June 2013

The Haze Rant

So i decided to blog abt the haze again hehehe. Just joining in the singaporean haze rant. Well, the PSI has been going up and down, and its just annoying. Although im annoyed with the haze, i think everyone is just making a big deal outa it lorh. Like seriously, not like u guys complain the haze will go down mah.. 
Not THAT bad lah horh. But at night, its really alot worse hmmm. 
Okay the pic is shaken, but in reality, when i looked outa the window, it looked like my uncle hadnt had a car wash for a year, but its actually the haze. 
This is a picture of the 'sunset' i apparently took when the haze was in, it was rather tumblr-worthy (i think). Its the 'warm' effect in Camera 360, really pretty to use. 
HAHA all those were like photos of yesterday, but today, OMG its baaaaadd. 
Like that building at the back i cant even see it!! Yeah the PSI is like 131, but bitch, if yesterday was 320 and today is even worse than that, then now morning should be 300+ lorh! CRAZY-NESS. Its so cray i swear, i mean i would have thought that since the haze lasted last friday, its should improve mah. But no, its so much worser :O HAHAH not that im complaining about the haze lah, its just, cray cray you know. 
PSI went like 371 at 1pm :O OMFGGGGG. Its so scary, like the first time in singapore. 

Mhmm sushi for lunch! So happy ^o^ 
FUCKK SO DAMN HAWT *~* came across this from twitter, ahhh i wanna be a korean! 
Ahhhh fuckkkkk :* 
And this is just beyong cute :D HAHAHAHA I LOVE MINIONS. 

OKAY enough of those crazy talk. HAHA back to the haze. PSI at 7pm is like 280+. 
Yeap, the sky is like a pretty pink. And i risked my phone and stuck it outa the window to get this shot :p my cca training is yet again cancelled due to the haze HAIZ. I sincerely felt like working out cos im getting WAY to fat :'( yeah, as sad as it is, its very true. MEEEEEEP. And the holidays are ending BOOHOOOOO. And MOE talks about postponing the school reopening. But seriously, its only week three, i doubt the haze will carry on for another week right... Its best if it is though :p well, we always hope for the best. All singapore students do is stay at home for the whole day, like its so darn boring. I cant even go out with my friends sighpie X 1000000000. HAHAHA ohwells. Half my holidays goneeeeee :'(( double awwwdamn :/ BUT im gonna study harder and get an A1 for mother tongue end of the year ohmy. I really wanna continue higher mother tongue next year! 

Here's a last photo before ending this blog post :-) 

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Learning to be grateful

HAHAHAHA today i shall blog about being grateful today.

 Firstly, i'm grateful for the food and company which my dad brought me today. 
Yep, sushi, and even though my dad didnt have to rush home after work just to bring me food and keep my company, he still did, so im grateful for that. 

Secondly, im grateful for receiving a letter from my friend. 
I waited in vain for this letter cos it took like five days to be delivered. But still, even though my friend's having her o'levels this year, she still took the time to write the letter. And it was also damn beautifully decorated! So special thanks to my friend, Nicole.

Thirdly, i'm grateful that while indonesia's haze is PSI 300-400+, singapore's PSI is only 100+, so i think we should be grateful instead of complaining. 
See, its not so bad lah. (Or maybe its just my camera) 
Hahaha, even though all these are like small things, but i think its still good to be grateful for it. So yeah :-) 

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Movie night YAY

Hmm home and watching Journey 2: The Mysterious Island :-) hahaha such a good movie, and then i watched Jack The Giant Slayer ~ omg its like a total movie night. Good thing is, or rather sad, is that the PSI of the haze has gone way down. Sad becos now there's no way school's gonna cancel netball training ._. AWW MAN. Haha anyway, Jack in the show is so damn cute, but i forgot his real life name already. 
This was my lunch in Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe MHMMM YUMMALICIOUS. It was like black pepper beef with spaghetti, really a must try for kiddos like me. Soup spoon's meatless minestrone for my dinner menu, and a stick of 'cocktail' meat from Tori Q (or smth). 
Batman ootd today, together with messy hair. HAHAHA nothing much to blog about today :/ alrighty, leaving with a bible quote then. 

Monday 17 June 2013


Omg today is just crazy! Like when i look out of my window, all i freaking see is the haze!!! Its so blurry and white-ish outside, and the air we breathe in is just so dirty and unclean :/ 
See! OMG like the tourists in singapore are in for a great big disappointment. Crazy sibo?! The PSI is like 117 now at 7pm :o its still increasing :/ anyway, today, besides tuition, all i did was watch The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, logan lerman is so damn fucking cute, and the guy called Patrick in the show is also damn cute lah! Hmm my life is so boring T.T and this is like my pimple season, suddenly have three pimples on my face and i have oily forehead that even the magical marshmallow whip face wash from Bioré cant cure T_T WHY SO UNFORTUNATE.  
The PSI is 154 at 9pm :X SIAOLIAO. Hahaha anyways, doing the blog project to the music from the soundtrack of the perks of being a wallflower ~ such good music that i dont usually listen to ^o^ 
Y'all should hear this song by The Smiths, its really something. Heck, the whole album is really good :-) must really read a book someday with this music! HAHAHA. So, tumblr-ing is pretty much another escape for me, after i've loaded all the tweets on twitter and photos on instagram. Tumblr calms me (sort of) and there is just so much inspiration inside it, alongside with some funny pictures and gifs. Which reminds me, i havent been using gifboom for almost a year now. Guess there's a season for everything, its just not that popular anymore. Now that my dad bought this cool thingy that allows any movies or shows access, there's so many movies which i missed before and i can watch 'em now :D 
By the way, MIKA is now sorta my fave singer, apart from kpop, cos his songs are really cool, especially the Popular Song ft. Ariana Grande.  YAY. His songs are really catchy, like Love Now and We Are Golden are cool. There are others as well! 
Saw these pair on twitter, and its SO FUDGING PURDY!!! Omg i want it, like finally something i want from Nike shoes. Its simply designed, but i love high cuts. Ahhhhh. 
Another thing i came across from the newspaper. So cool (nothing gory here) the prosthetics fingers! Scary, but cooooool. Imagine having a fake finger (touchwood, i hope i wont get one). 
Pardon the bordom. HAHAHA goodnight! 

Sunday 16 June 2013


Hahaha so my dad bought a new house and we came to 'open up' the house today! Its pretty cool, with the cool breeze and all ~ ironically, we are renting it out -.- 
Here's the pool view from our balcony..
And thats the full view! Tbh, i didnt like the view ._. Its just not... Yknow. But still, its always cool to have a new house. 
Yeah im sorta on a raging mood cos of the stupid burning weather, and the stupid remote control of the air-con cant be opened to fix up the batteries TSK. SO BLOODY ASS HOT CAN. Ugh bitchhhhhh. 
Hahaha this are the fuzzy 'welcome' slippers. And yep, the name of the condo is WaterBank. 
Btw, i found a cute hello kitty pouch for my camera. Hmmm yay? (Yeah i have fat hands). Guess what, i totally forgot today is father's day :O I feel so bad for my dad cos i didnt wish him immediately when i woke up. Hais. 
Dippin ma fat legs into da pool :-) i swear the interior around the block is really pretty lah. 
Quite chio lah horh? 
The houses by the pool, known as cabanas or something. I wanna live there, its like cool shit. But, might get affected by the noisy people by the pool, probably children. Speaking of which, we took like so many polaroids in the house and i used up like all my films ._. Sian, its gonna be so expensive to buy more films :/ 
Anyways, we ordered domino's pizza for father's day dinner. Hahaha epic. Yeap, not much of a celebration, but, its cool. Pizza-bration! Supposed to go town, but in the end all of us got so lazy, so we wounded up going gramma's hse and ordered pizza cos we were lazy to go downstairs to eat tze char HAHAHA. Yep, laziness really runs in our family. Hmm i feel bad for not buying anything for my dad for father's day.. Ohwells. 
But, MHMMMMM. Good food! Hahahaha so im ending my day with geography (sighpie).