Tuesday 19 August 2014


Its almost mid week! Just one more day. Prelims officially started today, and as everyone can see, i am not the least worried. Fts and education right? Actually no. I do have to get down doing this shit.  

So many things happened past few days and i guess i felt like i should have penned down some thoughts. Anyway, i shall start by talking about what happened last week. So last monday, i went out with Iz and we just walked around and talked. Basically. I guess there's no shopping going out with this girl, but i dont mind. A h2h session is good enough for me. I was really releluctant to have to leave though, because god damn i wish we were just roomies and i can have her by my side all the time. That'd be great. But no, its selfish to have such thoughts. Anyways, had a great monday, and then it was school the next day. Spoiler? 

Yeah anyway, i have been feeling weird random feelings nowadays, and i dont know if it is stress or insecurity? I sometimes feel so restless, and frustrated and even annoyed, but i dont know why. Like have those "gaowei" feeling. It was like out of the blue. And then i'll feel kind of sian to talk to those around me, even Iz. Not that i was sick of them, but rather, i was just not in the mood. I feel bad for my friends though, because they have to deal with it. People like Iz and S, i feel sorry for them, feel sorry for dumping my random outbreaks of feelings on them :/ i hope this wont reoccur though, although it has been happening lately. 

Anyway, i have to move on about my feelings and erm, try to not be distracted by them. Just about 58 days and then i am free. On a side note, dad booked tickets to Seoul during december! So thats something to look forward to. Ofcourse i had to block out some dates reserved for my friend's birthdays, and my dad had to deal with the lame excuse of "netballers' outing", which i somehow always use when im going out with the netballers or someone from netball. HAHAHAHA. Quick escape. 

Time to get down to serious business, and study!!! If i dont get my As (and maybe one B), i think i would just erm, die? Okay no, but i guess i deserved it. Slacker me.  But really, i should set aside my strange emotions and just..not feel anything for another 58 days. I can do this fucking shit. 

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