Tuesday 9 September 2014

An epilogue of us

"We walked on the path, along the horizon. She grabbed my hands, and i held on tight to her. From the corner of my eye, i saw that she stole a glance at me. I smiled to myself, wondering what it was about her that drew us so close. She pulled me down to sit beside her, and as usual i tripped, and we both fell onto the grass laughing. 

We lay on our backs, and stared at the sky. The sun was fading to a golden reddish hue, and dusk was soon to come. As if on cue, we both turned and stared at each other, smiling.

I was awestruck. I never thought i would meet someone who would walk into my life and change everything. 

It was meant to be, me and her to find each other. We are soulmates, we are infinite. 

That evening, we lazed around and looked up at the stars. We traced out the constellations and each star twinkled high above us. This was a dream come true, to admire the galaxy with my bestest friend. 

I started to think, what happens ten years later? Would we have our forever? Just as i teared thinking about the worst of losing her, a noise behind us made me turn to look. 

An old man was strolling along the path, and he was wheeling an old lady in a wheelchair. They exchanged words ever so silently, but between them, there was no one else around. They were entrapped in their own bubble, as they gazed at each other lovingly. This gave me hope, that there could be a forever. 

This put a smile on my face and i dried my tears. I looked at her again, and pictured our future together. We may not be each other's partner or lover, but we were best friends, and we were going to walk down our forever and always together. " 

Dedication to my bff, Iz. 

Monday 8 September 2014

All staff day celebrations!

Blogging about the all staff day celebrations! Lots of photographs taken, shall let the pictures do the talking. 

Lining up to collect for CCA awards 

Class party with 406 


7 dwarfs 

Class 406 

My dearest 206 

Quadruplets plus fatinny 


So much love for these people! Lucky to have you guys by my side :-) 

Next, will upload pictures from netball training last friday! 

Favourite polaroid with my coach Adda, farewell to her :( 

Awkward and short me 

Actually realised that i have blogged about last friday's training alr wts. Whateverrr. 

Okay, thats all for this update, till next time! 

Tuesday 2 September 2014

End of prelims

Finally its the end of olvl prelims! 
Glad to be done with this shit :-) went down for training today anyways, and took a bunch of photos (love it when my album has new pictures added) shall let the pictures do the talking! 

I am in an awkward position

Loving this polaroid ^ 

This too, but its a little blur! 

Anyway, all was good. But i still didnt feel happy. I dont know why, this is a new feeling to me. Got so worked up halfway, and i dont know how to feel about it. Tonight, i experienced it the first time, that i had migraine because of thinking about life and i guess i was upset. 

I obviously didnt want to admit to Iz, but i guess she knows though. Yeah i was updet because of her today, why? I dont really know either. Its not the jealousy (maybe) but i cant point out the reason too. :( 

Hope she knows that i love her still. 

Last week, i think i just quarrelled with her? Because so much memories just cane flooding back suddenly, and i was on the verge of breaking. Yeah well, i am human too. 

To start of, i used to cut. Yeah everyone did (i guess) I was depressed, and everything was falling apart. Such a downside in my life. Anyway, yes i cut myself last week again. Iz found out and well, things happen. I obviously didnt admit i did, but well.. 

Anyway, things are fine now. And im trying to control my emotions and actions. 

Okok no sad stuffs anymore! 
I shall end the post here!