Tuesday 31 December 2013

To be...or not to be?

Pardon the lame title. Its just, i've been feeling more and more drawn towards Christianity, and yesterday, the topic of going to church and being Christian just popped up during tuition. So, my teacher was a Christian, and we just started talking about how i might have the 'holy spirit' within me, if not i wouldn't have
been wanting to be a Christian. Technically, i am not sure what religion i was born with, but mum was a Buddhist, so technically i am buddhist (my dad can't really be bothered with the whole religious thing). But, i didnt want to be one, i just, didnt feel like a Buddhist. I didn't know there was another religion like being a Catholic or Christian, so till i was in primary school, i started to be concious about other religions, then that's when i knew i actually want to be a Christian. As i grew up, obviously i had to succumb to my surroundings and i feel more like i needed the freedom of choosing my own religion. But, my mum was like, "If u want to become a Christian, u are no daughter of mine." Yeah, it was that serious. Ridiculous, that's how i felt. I mean, we are all born to have a free will. I know parents are our elderly and we're suppose to respect them and not go agaisnt them, but really? I can't even choose what i want to believe in? URGH, RIDICULOUS. My aunts and uncle slowly converted to Christianity as well, and i keep hoping that one day, i'll be able to go to church openly and not lie behind my parents' back about my whereabouts. 

So, my tutor told me that i should not feel afraid to go to church (i always use 'not enough time' as an excuse for not going church), but really, the whole problem lies with my parents. They are just so strongly against me being a Christian. -_- But, i think i will be a Christian when im 21, when i am an adult and i can make my own decisions (FINALLY). I just enjoy going to church, even though i only visited there twice. Maybe it really is the 'holy spirit'. Being like a staunch Christian, my tutor was worried that i might stray away from the religion, but i was sure that i am going to remain a Christian. Problem is, a Christian isn't suppose to burn incense or offerings. But thats what a typical Buddhist or Taoist do. So i can't imagine that if i become a Christian, and i can't offer any thing to my relatives who've passed away, what will my parents think?! Like, i'm not a filial daughter or that i'm being rude or somthing?!! 

Still, i pray for myself and hope that i can get out of this...situation. It really is a question of to be or not to be .__. 

Friday 27 December 2013

2014 IS COMING???!!!

WHAT i cannot even, really. 2013 flies past wayyyyyyyyyyy to quickly, and i really wish i can have some time machine and go back. Really, there are so many mistakes that i've made this year and i really want to amend them, or at least change what i had said before, then maybe i wont be thinking so much right now. UGHHHH. Yup regrets, well, we all have them right? But it really sucks bad lah, there was so many things i wish didn't happen.. 

There were happy memories of course. To name a few, the list probably goes like this: 1) My new secondary three classmates who are really cute. 2) Having to be in the best class 306 2013 ever. 3) Forming a new clique with my new found friends. 4) Struggling and cramming last minute homework with my classmates. 5) Frequent and weekly lunch outings with my new classmates to Siglap after school, gossiping non stop. 6) Hanging out with my favourite bunch of netballers. 7) Accepting and liking our team's new coach, Adda. 8) Learning that i did exceptionally okay for mid-year and end-year exams despite a last minute revision. 9) Spending time with my sandwich meridian gang during recess. 10) Attending performances like 相声 with 206 2012 and hanging out till 11pm afterwards. 11) Sam Tsui concert 2013 with Laura and Sam. 12) Going for Melissa's chinese orchestra concert with Xin Xian and Sam. 13) Going for holiday in December to Taiwan. 14) Senior's farewell party and bbq/pool party with the netballers. 15) Last but not least, managing not to gain like 5kg in the holidays, so its an accomplishment. 

Really, although these things seem very retarded to be considered great memories, i still treasure them alot. I think naming them out right now, i feel like tearing (LOL), cause i realise that i am actually lucky to have found such good friends in Temasek Sec, and i honestly don't want to graduate so quickly. Yeah, there might be people who hate me or talk behind my back (confirm plus chop) but i'm glad at least i found friendships that might actually last through my life. I really miss some of my primary school friends as well, especiailly Jamie :( we only met up like once this year.... (;_;) she's like my ultimate best friend :') UGHHHH SO MUCH FEELS!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2013 past super fast can, i still can't accept it. Its really different compared to the honeymoon sec one and two period. I don't think i'll make a new year's resolution, but i do hope everyone (like, everyone) stays safe and healthy ^.^ 

I think i'm so sentimental??!! I have never posted such a serious/formal and word-fancy post before, so here's a first. Hope i wake up soon and study harder since its the o'levels next year T_T WAKE UP KHYTHENG!!!! But i honestly doubt i can master self discipline so quickly. It takes tooooooooooooooooo much willpower. Like, i write a sentence of my homework for five seconds, and next im on my phone using tumblr, instagram, twitter... DISTRACTIONS  yes, they have to be eliminated. Soooo, cheers (jiayou, actually) to me!